Thursday, July 28, 2016

I'm Listening.

I took a step.

It has been said that "All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

So recently I took a step of action. I recognised where my knowledge and experience were lacking. I have seen countless posts and comments on Facebook and other media from white people regarding the recent racial violence and the #blacklivesmatter movement.

I couldn't help feel that so often these comments, although mostly (sadly not entirely) well-meaning came across as patronising and ignorant.

I didn't want to sound like that. I was raised to see people as people. Individuals, to be treated equally with respect and courtesy regardless of race, religion or gender. I do not understand racism or prejudice. They don't make sense to me.

But I was born white. I do not know what it is like to be followed around by store security for no reason but the colour of my skin. I do not know what it is like to be pulled over by the police just for driving home. There's even a phrase for it, 'driving while black', it's entirely outside my experience. I do not know what it is like to be followed by a police car as I walk through my own neighborhood. I do not know what itis like to feel fear of those who are supposed to protect us. My biggest fear if pulled over by the police is that I'll be getting a traffic ticket.

I began to realise that as white people we don't need to talk. We needed to listen. This is not about how much we have to say, it's about how much are we prepared to listen. 

Usually, in social situations people avoid conversations about race. It's uncomfortable. So I reached out to a friend and  asked if we could meet up over coffee and specifically talk about race and racism. A white man and a black man in a coffee shop in conversation about race.

We need to listen. So, as much as possible I listened. I learned. It wasn't always comfortable. It shouldn't be. When the mirror is held up and we see our flaws, we see out complicity, however unintentional, it's not fun.

But we have a choice. We can take offense, draw a line, push back, avoid, try to ignore, dismiss, or hide our heads in the sand.

All these choices add to our complicity.

"All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

So we must act. We must act by joining the conversation and listening, not to give an answer but to truly hear the cries of inequality and injustice.

Listen. Hear. Share your experience. Join the conversation.

And keep doing it.

We can be part of the change.

I took a step. I will take another, and another. I will keep taking steps, one at a time, I hope others will join and take steps too. We keep taking steps together.

I look forward to continuing the conversation.


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